Market-Value Reference

Formosa Stock Index

※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."


The "Formosa Stock Index" belongs to TWSE and TPEx and is created by converting the existing TAIEX and TPEX into one new benchmark index. The "Formosa Stock Index", launched on 5 May 2014, can measure the aggregate performance of two local stock markets of Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) and Taipei Exchange (TPEx).

Index Performance

Accumulated Return
1 Month -2.61%
3 Months 11.36%
6 Months 24.14%
1 Year 31.58%
3 Years 41.73%
5 Years 139.83%
Annualized Return
1 Year 31.58%
3 Years 12.33%
5 Years 19.12%
Annualized Standard Deviation
1 Year 14.99%
3 Years 16.38%
5 Years 17.32%
※The index performance is calculated through its total return index values.


Title Formosa Stock Index Methodology
File Date 2021/07/06
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Formosa Stock Index Methodology 2021/07/06 Download