SmartBeta Investment

TIP Customized Taiwan Dividend Highlight Index

※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."


The collaboration between TIP and the Business Council for Sustainable Development of Taiwan builds up the evaluation model by leveraging the sustainability reports, annual reports and further public information, from which the ESG Performance Score is provided. Based on the objective of holding stocks with stable dividend, TIP utilizes the characteristic of stability in the cyclical and consumer staples industries, and selects 30 listed stocks that fulfill profitability and dividend payout criteria. With the dividend yield weighting method, TIP Customized Taiwan Dividend Highlight Index is compiled to measure investment performance on the listed companies that are representative in the local market characteristics, sustainable development, stable dividend distribution and market capitalization.

Index Performance

Accumulated Return
1 Month -2.75%
3 Months 0.6%
6 Months -0.35%
1 Year 13.8%
3 Years 19.62%
5 Years -
Annualized Return
1 Year 13.8%
3 Years 6.15%
5 Years -
Annualized Standard Deviation
1 Year 15.42%
3 Years 14.13%
5 Years -
※The index performance is calculated through its total return index values.


Title ETF Information: SinoPac Taiwan Superior Dividend Highlight Stocks ETF
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