SmartBeta Investment

TIP Customized Taiwan Growth and High Dividend Index

※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."


TIP Customized Taiwan Growth and High Dividend Index is designed based upon TWSE / TPEx listed stocks as universe; Composite factor scores including dividend yield, growth and quality are applied to stocks that pass liquidity screening and meet criteria of descriptors. Top 50 performers according to their composite factor scores are finalized as constituents. Constituents are weighted by groups through a mixture of their exponentially-weighted-moving-average (EWMA) liquidity and cash dividend yield. The index reflects the portfolio performance of high dividend yield, growth and liquid stocks.

Index Performance

Accumulated Return
1 Month -0.66%
3 Months -1.1%
6 Months 1.22%
1 Year 15.87%
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Return
1 Year 15.87%
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Standard Deviation
1 Year 17.35%
3 Years -
5 Years -
※The index performance is calculated through its total return index values.


Title ETF Information: CTBC TIP Customized Taiwan Growth and High Dividend ETF
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