※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."
TIP Customized Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 Index is designed using TWSE/TPEx listed stocks as index universe. After liquidity screening, multiple criteria including ESG performance, carbon emission, carbon emission adjusted revenues and stability of cash dividend payout are applied to securities. The ESG and carbon emission data are based upon “Taiwan Sustainability Ratings” which was designed by National Taipei University College of Business. Sustainability performance is determined by social, economic, environmental and disclosure (SEED) dimensions. Top 40 performers by their cash dividend yield and free-float adjusted market capitalization are finalized as constituents and weighted according to their cash dividend yield, reflecting the portfolio performance of ESG, low carbon and high dividend stocks.
Title | ETF Information: SinoPac Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 ETF |
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ETF Information: SinoPac Taiwan ESG Low Carbon High Dividend 40 ETF | - | Link |