※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."
TIP Customized Taiwan ESG High Dividend Small/Mid-Cap Index uses listed small and medium-sized companies and OTC companies in Taiwan as the universe. This selection process involves leveraging the "Taiwan Sustainability Ratings" which utilizes sustainability reports, annual reports, government information, and other publicly available information, and generated by the Center for Corporate Sustainability from College of Business at National Taipei University (NTPU). After undergoing financial indicator screening, the index selects 30 constituents based on the dividend indicator calculated using estimated dividend rates and total cash dividends. By adopting dividend indicators as the weighting scheme, the index aims to recognize the performance of small and medium-sized stocks that exhibit ESG performance and high dividend yields.
Title | ETF Information: Taishin TIP Customized Taiwan ESG High Dividend Small/Mid-Cap ETF |
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ETF Information: Taishin TIP Customized Taiwan ESG High Dividend Small/Mid-Cap ETF | - | Link |