SmartBeta Investment

TIP FactSet Taiwan Technology and High Dividend Index

※ Automatically update every minute.The official end-of-day index value is provided on the "Historical date."


TIP FactSet Taiwan Technology and High Dividend Index is constructed based on TWSE / TPEx listed stocks as universe. Through applying FactSet Revere Business and Industry Classification System and Quant Factor Library, eligible tech-stocks that pass liquidity screening and financial quality are selected; Top 50 stocks according to their dividend yields are finalized as constituents. Constituents are dividend-yield-weighted by groups and their final weights are adjusted by their free-float adjusted market capitalization. The index reflects portfolio performance of Taiwan tech-stocks with both high dividend yields and financial quality.

Index Performance

Accumulated Return
1 Month 1.9%
3 Months -0.94%
6 Months -2.54%
1 Year 10.57%
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Return
1 Year 10.57%
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Standard Deviation
1 Year 17.52%
3 Years -
5 Years -
※The index performance is calculated through its total return index values.