SmartBeta Investment

TIP Taiwan Gender Equality Index


TIP, referencing sustainable development trends and policies, has designed evaluation criteria based on ESG reports and relevant regulations, utilizing Hierarchical clustering to construct a Women Empowerment Evaluation Model. The model generates opportunity scores and risk scores to filter listed and OTC companies that prioritize gender equality issues, align with policies, and meet profitability standards. Subsequently, up to 100 constituents are selected based on opportunity scores, the number of female employees, and market capitalization. Constituents are weighted by using opportunity scores and tilted according to the employee numbers to develop TIP Taiwan Gender Equality Index (abbr., "TIP Taiwan GE Index"). This index highlights the performance of an investment portfolio comprising Taiwanese companies with superior gender-equal working environments and solid profitability.

Index Performance

Accumulated Return
1 Month 4.93%
3 Months -
6 Months -
1 Year -
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Return
1 Year -
3 Years -
5 Years -
Annualized Standard Deviation
1 Year -
3 Years -
5 Years -
※The index performance is calculated through its total return index values.